Wellness Walk

Recently, Meier was challenged by our sister companies (rms Surgical and Juno Pacific) to compete in a friendly competition. The goal was to see which company could get the highest percentage of their staff out walking the pond in a given week. Stout Pond is located behind rms Surgical and Juno Pacific and we are just down the street. Well, as Minnesota is known for, Mother Nature did not smile kindly on our event. It was wet and freezing all week!!

As Meier is known to do, we rose to the challenge as 77% of us walked the pond during breaks or during “walking” meetings.

It was certainly fun to see so many employees from all three companies “stepping up” to this Wellness challenge and get out walking. A fitness trend has certainly developed as employees are out and walking during their lunch on a regular basis.

All of us at Meier certainly enjoyed our winning prize of fruit bars! Thanks to our parent company, Cretex, for supporting our efforts to encourage Wellness activities in the workplace.